
User Groups

During the first two years of the project, 2011 and 2012, about 600 people already contacted the IBA study house and used the storehouse of knowledge (database). In 2011/12, 365 students and lecturers have used the study house as well as other professional groups. Likewise, the study house might be used for colloquiums.

  • economic politicians and scientists from China, South Africa, Vietnam
  • secondary school teacher from Espelkamp (Westfalen)
  • representatives of the regional association Rheinland
  • architects, urban and regional planner from Weimar, Magdeburg, Berlin
  • town and country planner from Germany, Vienna, Amsterdam, Zurich
  • international photography workshop with participants from Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, France, Slowakia, Poland
  • artists from Poland

  • Bauhaus Universität Weimar
  • TU Kaiserlautern
  • RWTH Aachen + Alanus HS Alfter/Bonn
  • TU Krakow
  • BTU Cottbus
  • Georg-Simon-Ohm-HS Nürnberg
  • Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
  • TU München
  • HS Burg Giebichenstein Halle /Saale
  • Universität Genua
  • HS Osnabrück
  • Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster
  • TU Prag
  • TU Claustal

last update: 2/12/2024 15:53